Road To Independence: Kid's Planner

This book is so much more than your typical day planner! It's an all encompassing template to life.  We created this planner with the intention to help relieve busy moms from some of the physical and mental load that comes with having so many irons in the fire, without having to compromise morals and values. This planner allows moms to set expectations and responsibilities in ALL areas of the child's life, then turn them loose to learn to become strong, independent, and responsible.  And because we know that every family is different, we've created a template that can be customized to meet every family's needs.  

In addition to monthly and weekly calendars, this planner includes: Weekly Chores, Weather Tracker, Habit Tracker, Book Log, Cooking Section, Garden Section, Livestock Log, Financial Tracker, Bucket List for long term goals, map of historical landmarks and homesteads, word searches, mazes, and old fashioned games & activities for outside.